Considering a Career in Health?
Are you considering a career in health? Join Lauren Day from RWAV and medical student Edwina Fry as they discuss life as a health student and how RWAV can assist students and health professionals to pursue their dream health careers.
More information:
Rural Health Club WILDFIRE ‘s Rural Internship Guidebook
Why Students should join a Rural Health Club
Joining a rural health club at a university is a great way to meet other like-minded students, build networks, and learn more about the industry. We talk to Edwina Fry, President of Deakin University’s NOMAD, Alastair Weng, President of University of Melbourne’s OUTLOOK, and Ashleigh Laird Co-President of Monash University’s Wildfire, about what it’s like to be part of a rural health club and what inspired them to take the rural health pathway.