About the Western Victorian Careers Expo
The Western Victorian Careers Expo, hosted by the Wimmera and Southern Mallee Careers Association (WASM), is country Victoria’s largest careers expo. Since its inception in 1986, this premier regional event has provided a one-stop-shop of vocational information to Western Victorian students, school leavers, job seekers, career changers, those returning to work and people considering further study or training.
The Western Victorian Careers Expo is organised by a sub-committee of the Wimmera and Southern Mallee Careers Association. The organising committee includes members of the Association, as well as representatives from; Wimmera Southern Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network (WSM LLEN), Department of Education and Training (DET), Federation University, Skillinvest, Wimmera Events Centre (WEC), Wimmera Development Association (WDA) and the Tertiary Information Service (TIS).
Attendees have the opportunity to talk to a wide range of career, industry and course advisors on a one-to-one basis. Our exhibitors and presenters consist of local, regional, metropolitan and interstate representatives, including more than 20 Victorian and South Australian universities that will be present. Over 2000 students, parents, jobseekers and careers changers from across the Western Victoria attend annually.
The Expo format has many elements, including:
Career and Course Exhibitor displays
Manufacturer and Trade interactive activities – ‘Try a Trade’
NEW Try Vet Centre
This event will replace the Try VET Day previously ran as part of the school’s event calendar.
It will be hosted in the nearby Alan Heard Pavilion where all three local Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) will display, provide information and hands-on activities to promote 2025 course offerings. Meet the Trainers and discuss where VET pathway can lead your career choices.
NEW Industrial Zone including large machinery
A large vehicle and plant display featuring Civil Construction equipment provided by Horsham Rural City Council and Farm Machinery provided by O’Connor’s
Vocational Information Session and Pathways – V.I.S (see event map for times)
Tertiary Information Session and Exhibits – T.I.S. (see events map for times)
To provide regional students and jobseekers with a broad range of vocational and course information, as well as career pathways advice in a ‘one-stop shop’ event in their local area
To make available a broad spectrum of careers/jobs role models, especially for those in isolated and remote communities of Western Victoria
To offer current advice regarding qualifications, training and prerequisites, business prospects and vocational opportunities to students, careers-changers, jobseekers & parents
To encourage students to consider broader pathway options
To encourage school retention to Year 12 or equivalent
To assist parents of students with understanding career and course pathways
To have a co-ordinated careers event in Western Victoria and bring presenters together under a Wimmera-Southern Mallee Careers ‘banner’